The Okulovka Paper Mill is one of the oldest pulp-and-paper enterprises in the country.
During its long history accounting for more than 150 year the Company has made the way from a small factory producing brown paper for sugar packing up to a large-scale modern enterprise manufacturing recycled conteinerboard and molded pulp packaging.
In the Novgorod province at the Peretna river, 5 km away from Nikolaevskaya (currently Oktyabrskaya) railway the owners of sugar refineries Vladimir Pasburg and Oshton built a small factory producing brown paper required for packing sugar. Here's what was written about the factory in "The Russian Empire Market Review" in 1863: "In Krestetsky parish of the Novgorod province at the Peretna river, 3 versts away from Okulovka station of the Nikolaevskaya railway there is a factory, owned by Messrs. Pasburg and Oshton, producing brown sugar paper. It produces up to 40 thousand poods of paper per year from bast shoe remnants and rags supplied from the Tver province... There are 100 employees. The driving force is 2 water wheels of 15 h.p. each... Commissioning of devices for formation of wood paper sheets is expected."
The groundwood mill was built. By the year of 1872 the factory became one of the best in Russia both regarding the paper quality and the organization of the factory itself.
At the premises of the stationery factory the pulp mill was put into operation. That was one of the first sulphite-pulp mills in Russia. Advantageous geographical location, particularly proximity of two capital cities and the rail road, created favourable conditions for further factory development. That time it produced half of the pulp stock manufactured in Russia. Soon the factory got the bronze medal of All-Russia Manufactory Exhibition, and in 1882 - the silver medal of All-Russia Art Exhibition.
The major share of stock was purchased by well-known Moscow manufacturers, Ryabushkinsky brothers. The factory produced writing, cigarette-tube, newsprint, box, text and different types of wrapping paper, as well as pulp and wood pulp for parchment paper and semi-finished goods.
After the February revolution Ryabushkinsky brothers went to the United States. The factory was nationalized and named after E. Yaroslavsky.
The factory was reorganized into the Okulovka Pulp-and Paper Mill.
At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War mill equipment was evacuated to the Krasnokamsk and Solikamsk PPMs in the Perm region. At that period tough for the country the Okulovka Pulp-and Paper Mill produced anti-tank obstacles, concrete block obstacles, boats, temporary bridges for the Volkhovsky front line, as well as repaired military hardware.
The period of post-war mill reconstruction. In 1953 a shop for wood-fibre board and asbestos-wood board manufacturing was opened. During the period of the "seven-year plan" (1959 –1965) an advanced method of first-stuff pulp cooking on the calcium-natrium basis was implemented at the factory for the first time in the USSR. It provided a possibility both to achieve the greatest pulp yield in the country and improve its quality. That advanced method was suggested by the senior digester operator Malyshev I.N. Soon after he was entitled the Hero of Socialist Labor, while the enterprise was awarded by the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
Okulovka Paper Mill Ltd. was registed
From that period on paper production involves recycled pulp only.
The enterprise was entitled the Winner of Top 10 goods and services of the Novgorod region award.
The factory celebrated its 150-th anniversary.
A new shop for molded pulp egg carton production was put into operation.
A new paper machine with trimming paper web width of 2520 мм was put into operation.
A certificate of conformance to FSC standards was obtained.
Закончен первый этап модернизации производства тарного картона, в рамках которого, в частности, была установлена новая макулатурная линия производства компании Papcel (Чехия) и этой же компанией была модернизирована прессовая часть БДМ7.
Реализация второго этапа модернизации: продолжение модернизация макулатурной линии.
Сертификация системы менеджмента качества производства бумаги и картона на соответствие стандарту ISO 9001: 2015
Принята программа модернизации производства на 2021 - 2024 гг., направленная повышение качества макулатурного тарного картона, производимого предприятием.
Сертификация системы менеджмента качества производства изделий бумажного литья на соответствие стандарту ISO 9001: 2015
27 декабря 2024г. АО "Каппа Рус", один из ведущих производителей гофрокартона и упаковочных решений в России, завершила сделку по приобретению ООО "Окуловская бумажная фабрика"
В феврале 2025г. на основании решения внеочередного общего собрания участников Общества с ограниченной ответственностью "Окуловская бумажная фабрика" изменено наименование: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Окуловская бумажная фабрика" на Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Каппа Рус Окуловка"