Okulovskaya Paper Factory

Employment with the Company

We consider that the qualified personnel is a key factor of company's competitive performance. And thus we pay special attention to staff relations creating conditions for self-fulfilment and development of each employee.

We try to build open and trust relationships with our personnel driven by mutual respect. In turn we expect our personnel to show the drive for professional growth, initiative, commitment to results and teamwork skills.
For the purpose of training our personnel in required skills and abilities we pay much attention to in-house and external training.

Okulovka Paper Mill is:

- a solid professional team;
- an opportunity for professional growth and development;
- regular income and social security

Our Company gives everyone an opportunity to achieve full potential!

Current vacancies

Нам нужен:

- заведующий хозяйством

Мы предлагаем:

Достойный уровень заработной платы

Расширенный социальный пакет

Доставку служебным транспортом до места работы

Работу в дружном коллективе и корпоративные мероприятия

Телефон отдела кадров +7-911-620-00-90; (816-57) 230-38

е-mail: fedorova@fluting.ru

Адрес: г. Окуловка, ул. Центральная д. 5

Do you want to be a part of our team?

Send resume